Hearing Panel meeting minutes and agendas:

December 19, 2024 Meeting

November 18, 2021 Meeting


November 18, 2021 Hearing Panel Packet

Hearing on a conditional use provision to allow for indoor agriculture, excluding THC for Rhody Farms, LLC at Building 14 in Phillipsdale Landing.

  1. Application
  2. Executive Director Memo
  3. Parking Plan
  4. Project Narrative

July 7, 2021 Meeting


July 7, 2021 Hearing Panel Packet

Hearing on a conditional use provision to allow for single family homes on the site in addition to waivers for sidewalks at a width of 5′ instead of 6′, a 40′ right of way where 50′ is required, a 22′ wide minor street where a 24′ minor street is required, a request to maintain plantings until establishment and for up to 2 years following construction, a request to allow affordable units located in one building on-site where distribution is required, reduction in total parking using 1.5 spaces per apartment unit in high density residential use on the “Pond Side”, and street lighting to be placed up to 300′ intervals instead of 100′ intervals.

  1. Narrative: East Point
  2. Executive Director Advisory Memo
  3. East Point Site Plans
    1. Civil Set for East Point
  4. East Point Architectural Plans
  5. Executive Director Advisory Recommendation: East Point

June 3, 2021 Meeting


June 3, 2021 Hearing Panel Packet

Hearing to consider adoption of the Hearing Panel advisory opinion for Fish Head Farms for a conditional use of “Aquaculture, Indoor” for Fish Head Farms for operations related to the manufacturing, bottling, storage and distribution of the applicant’s organic plant fertilizer, made from a proprietary process using tilapia.

1. Fish Head Farms Packet

2. November 19, 2020 Draft Meeting Minutes


November 19, 2020 Meeting


November 19, 2020 Hearing Panel Packet

Hearing on a deviation for the two minimum side-yard setbacks at Ivy Place–A development of a .46 acre lot that will include thirteen multi-family ownership housing units–nine residential townhomes and four live/ work townhomes.

  1. Narrative: Ivy Place
  2. Ivy Place Site Plans
    1. Civil Set for Ivy Place
  3. Ivy Place Architectural Plans
  4. Peer Review:
    1. East Providence Planning Department Memo
  5. Executive Director Advisory Recommendation: Ivy Place

February 20, 2020 Meeting

April 18, 2019 Meeting

February 21, 2019 Meeting