Why East Providence?
East Providence Benefits
Community Profile:
East Providence Community Profile (All statistics are from 2010 US Census)
Population: 47,037
Median age: 42.6
Average household size: 2.2
Number of households: 20,201
Number of family households with children under age 18: 4,919
Population 25+ with high school degree or higher: 80.9%
Population 25+ with a Bachelor’s degree or higher: 24.8%
Population 25+ with an Associate’s degree: 6.6%
Median family income (2012): $66,615
Owner-occupied housing units: 59%
Travel time to work for commuting workers: 35.9% travel less than 15 minutes
Mean prices in 2011: All housing units: $250,571; Detached houses: $255,613